JLC Robotics
LCDs and Specs and Links
44780 :
Pins | Signal | Description |
1 | Ground | 0V |
2 | Vcc | +5V |
3 | Contrast Voltage | Link to Central POT between +5V and Gnd |
4 | R/S Register Select | 0=Instruction Register. 1=Data |
5 | R/W Read/Write LCD | 1=Read from LCD, 0=Write to LCD |
6 | E Clock | 450 nsecs positive pulse to initiate data transfer |
7 - 14 | Data I/O Pins | 8-bit data bus (4-bit mode only uses pins 11..14) |
44780 Spec pdf
CODE Examples :
Interfacing Example - 16 Character x 2 Line LCD
Driving an Hitachi 44780 based LCD module
Nokia 6100 :
Pins | Signal | Description |
1 | VDD | 3.3V logic power |
2 | /RES | active low Reset |
3 | SDATA | Serial Data input of LCD |
4 | SCLK | Serial Clock line of LCD |
5 | /CS | Chip Select |
6 | VLCD | 2.8-3.3V display power |
7 | NC | (not connected) |
8 | GND | GND (ground) |
9 | LED- | LED ground |
10 | LED+ | VLED 6-7V
Nokia 6100 LCD Display Driver pdf
CODE Examples :
Color LCD 128x128 Nokia Knock-Off
Nokia 6610 :
CODE Examples :
Nokia 3310 :
Pins | Signal |
1 | VDD |
2 | SCK |
3 | SDIN |
4 | D/C |
5 | SCE |
6 | Gnd |
7 | Vout |
8 | Res |
Philips PCD8544 Datasheet pdf
CODE Examples :
Connect Nokia 3310 LCD to LPT port
Nokia 3310 LCD Interfacing
Nokia 3310 LCD on a parallel port
Forums :
LCD Forum :
LCD Forum