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IP2022 - Ubicom (Scenix) SX / PIC successor Microcontroller
- Price: -coming soon ! -

The next generation of Embedded Processor / PIC / SX chips from Ubicom (Scenix) !
This chip also includes USB and Ethernet compatible Ports!

Micro: Pins: I/O-Pins: FlashRom: RAM: Speed:
IP2022 80 52 32K words 4K bytes DC-100MHz
(2) Ports: 10base-T Ether / USB / UART / I2C / SPI / Parallel Slave
External RAM Bus
ADC: (8) Channel (10bit)
(2) Timers / Interrupts
- Programmable using expanded PIC/SX like Commands

IP2022 - Ubicom (Scenix) SX / PIC successor Microcontroller
- Price: -coming soon ! -

Micro: Pins: I/O-Pins: FlashRom: RAM: Speed:
IP2022 80 52 32K words 4K bytes DC-100MHz
(2) Ports: 10base-T Ethernet / USB / UART / I2C / SPI / Parallel Slave
External RAM Bus ADC: (8)Channel (10bit)
Programs using expanded PIC/SX like Commands
IP2022 - Ubicom (Scenix) SX / PIC successor Microcontroller
- Price: -coming soon ! -

Micro: Pins: I/O-Pins: FlashRom: RAM: Speed:
IP2022 80 52 32K words 4K bytes DC-100MHz
(2) Ports: 10base-T Ethernet / USB / UART / I2C / SPI / Parallel Slave
External RAM Bus ADC: (8)Channel (10bit)
Programs using expanded PIC/SX like Commands

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