The MegaMegaProcessor. This is Not a Parallel Processing CPU/Processor.
This is a new CPU/Processor Architecture (from years of R&D Research) designed
for high-speed single Program Execution.
This Processor also uses MultiTasks -and notably better than most PCs,
better and smoother Tasks switching - no 'hickups' or 'stalls'
like the Mouse and Windows because of I/O Devices or New Tasks.
This Processor is SO FAST that it does Not Need or use any I/O Cards or I/O Chips.
can be directly attached and used with the Processor
-that are fully functional just by BIT-BANGING -and faster than any PC can deliver !
These Devices are directly connected to the Processor.
This minimizes Motherboard usage/space.
And Believe It(!) -that this actually makes the Device Access FASTER and the Processor FASTER
-by Removing all of the BOTTLENECKS of Devices I/O and Handshaking.
Actually, All of these Devices use less than 10% of the Total System Resources and Power.
Sound like a miracle ? Not at all - it is here today !
... And it is being tested and prepared for Manufacture and Sales now ...
Just a better integrated (and DESIGNED) CPU Architecture.
.. By using the latest Semiconductor Design and Architecting.
* The PROCESSOR is currently COMPLETE and FUNCTIONING at 20GHz.
* New PROTOTYPES are now being BUILT and TESTED at close to 100 Ghz.
* Plans and Prototypes are being Designed and started now
for 400GHz -to- 1.6THz (thats 1600GHz) !
JLC Robotocs - Our Company Page -> jlc.iwarp.c-
-> Keep-an-eye-open on our NEWS for UPDATES ...